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发布时间:2020-11-17 07:08:36 阅读: 来源:电工刀厂家

产品和服务的创新管理中国上海2012年11月29-30日马汀令可公司将于2012年11月29-30日在上海举办产品和服务的创新管理的培训活动。课程描述:实用创新管理概念每个组织都在为实现持续有机增长的目标而斗争,但是了解一些关键概念可以开始改变这一切:* 集中注意力于创新模糊的前沿。* 采用有机增长战略。* 开发一个平衡的项目组合。* 了解人类是如何解决问题的。* 为创新建立一个流程。本课程将提供有机增长的技术和工具—有超过30 多项技术使有机增长和创新在你的组织中成为一个每天都发生的事情,总共分为四个关键阶段。这次培训将在以下方面给您帮助:* 为创新建立一个概念性的框架创新并不是完全随机的和幸运的,这次培训提供了一个系统的框架以利用这种资源创造财富。同创新管理工具一道为在您的组织中的可持续创新发展加油。* 实践在管理创新中经过证实的工具和技术有30多项创新管理工具来管理不同阶段的创新,支持您的组织中从关键概念的定义、发现、发展和证实。* 通过培养创新文化提高创新生产率创新不仅仅是创造一件新产品或服务。有许多非技术性的可交付成果去达成一个成功的创新。阿波罗创新管理培训定义了完整的创新管理流程并培养正确的文化来最大化组织的有机增长。谁应参加?市场营销副总裁或副总监、新产品经理、产品或品牌经理、业务开发经理、战略规划师、设计师、工程师、市场分析师、销售总监或副总裁、工程/研究和开发副总裁或总监。Raina Cheng__________________________Martin Linking Business Consulting Company LimitedRoom 1108, Building A, CF Center, No.300 Zhongshandong Road, Baixia District, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210002, ChinaT: +86 25 8485 5633F: +86 25 8485 5933E: raina.cheng@ulinking.com www.martinlinking.comInnovation Management in Products and ServicesShanghai, China29th &30th November 2012MARTIN LINKING is convening the Innovation Management in Products and Services on 29th & 30th November 2012 in Shanghai.Course DescriptionPractical Innovation Management conceptsEvery organization struggles with consistently achieving organic-growth targets, but understanding a few key concepts can begin to change all that:* Focusing on innovation's fuzzy front edge.* Adopting organic growth strategies.* Developing a balanced project portfolio.* Understanding how human's solve problems.* Establishing a process for innovation.This course will Techniques and Tools for Organic Growth – over 30 techniques to make organic growth and innovation an everyday event in your organization, divided into four key phases.What the Seminar will Help You Achieve:* Establish a conceptual framework for innovationInnovation is not totally random and by luck, this training provides a systematic framework for tapping this resource to generate wealth. Together with the innovation management tools to fuel a sustainable innovation development in your organization.* Practice with the proven tools and techniques in managing innovationThere are over 30 innovation management tools to manage different phases of the innovation, from definition, discovery, development and demonstration of the key concept in getting support in your organization.* Increase innovation productivity by cultivating the innovation cultureInnovation is much more than creating a piece of new product or service. There are many non-technical deliverables that go to make a successful innovation. Apollo innovation management training defines the complete innovation management process and develops the right culture to maximize the organic growth in the organization.Course AudienceVice president or director of marketing, new product manager, product or brand manager, business development manager, strategic planner, designer, engineer, market analyst, vice president or director of sales, and vice president or director of engineering/ research and development.Raina Cheng___________________________Martin Linking Business Consulting Company LimitedRoom 1108, Building A, CF Center, No.300 Zhongshandong Road, Baixia District, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210002, ChinaT: +86 25 8485 5633F: +86 25 8485 5933E: raina.cheng@ulinking.comwww.martinlinking.com


